Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Snow Day

We were hoping for a "White Christmas". Instead the storm and snow came the day after. After the storm had ended we had fun playing in the snow, throwinf snowballs and making snow angels!! Happy Snow Day!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a fun and exciting Christmas this year! Cole woke up Christmas morning and his jaw dropped when he saw his room. Cole got a bunkbed and Spiderman and Batman room decor. Then he came out to the living room and saw The Ninja Turtles next to his stocking. Needless to say he was soo excited. All he asked Santa for was Ninja Turtles. He was a very happy little boy!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Cole finding ou that he is going to be a "BIG BROTHER"!!!

Cole opening his Iron Man Mask. He is into all the Superheros

Playing with his Ninja Turtles and Superhero Laptop.

Telling Santa that he wants Ninja Turtles for Christmas!

Cole helping to decorate the tree. He was a big helper!!!