Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today I am......

Today I am feeling.....

-Because there is so much to do, between preparing for the arrival of our baby girl. -To preparing and getting things done for my class. Not enough time to do it all when you are exhausted everyday.

-That in 7 weeks we will be welcoming a baby girl into our eternal family. And wondering, Who will she look like? How much will she weigh when she is born? I can't wait to see her and finally have her here.

-Of being pregnant and feeling our sweet baby girl moving around.

-Having Cole come over to kiss and talk to his baby sister. He is so excited and can't wait for her arrival!

-Of being a mother to a energetic, sweet, loving little boy, and soon to a beautiful, precious little girl!

Full of Love and Gratitude
-I love my husband for the man he is and the many sacrafices he makes for our family.

-I love his excitement and anticipation for the arrival of our baby girl.

-I love when he talks to my belly so she can hear his voice.

-I love the unconditional love he has for his family!

-I am grateful that we are an eternal family!

-I am grateful for a wonderful family and wonderful friends!

-I am grateful for the many blessings Heavenly Father has blessed me an my family with!


The Teeples Times said...

I can't believe you only have 7 weeks left!! How exciting, but yes, overwhelming too! I can't wait to meet your little princess. Cole will be such a great big brother. Can't wait for your baby shower! Hang in there and hope to see you soon.

Sassy Salisburys said...

You're so cute! I love you and your family. Seriously lady - if I can help you with anything don't hesitate to ask I'm right down the street!!

Your post makes me want to have another one - but not right now. :)